Maya Roadkill UV Tool
If a good proportion of your life is spent texture mapping polygon meshes, then you should probably install Roadkill. It’s based on Blender’s LSCM unwrapping code and this Maya version is written by Andy Swann. Quite often you will get better results with Roadkill than with the Maya UV unwrapping tools.
Maya script calling Roadkill
Stand Alone Application. Load and Save OBJ files, Live Unwrap, Live Pin and Pull, Show Polygon Stretching, Topological and Loop Edge Selection.
Roadkill 1.1 Manual by Andy Swann (please mail me if you spot any errors)
Downloads For Windows
Update 13/06/2017
Roadkill 1.1 Tested on Maya 2017 running on Windows 10
Installation For Maya
Double click Roadkill 1_1 Install.exe and click Install.
Copy RoadKill.mel from the installation directory
C:\Program Files (x86)\Roadkill1_1
and paste into your user's Maya script folder
e.g. C:\Users\your_user_name\Documents\maya\2013-x64\scripts
RoadKill the stand alone app will now be under Start -> Programs -> Roadkill 1.1
Typing RoadKill (capital R and K!) on the command line of Maya will bring up the control box.
You will also find a lovely pdf instruction manual in the installation directory.
LSCM and ABF code taken from Blender 2.41 and 2.42
Levy Bruno, Petitjean Sylvain, Ray Nicolas and Maillot Jérome
Original LSCM publication
Andy Swann
PC coder of Roadkill 1.1
Dalia Al-Husseini
Artist who originally requested better uv tools in Maya
Erwin Coumans
Who introduced me (Francis O'Brien) to Blender and showed me where the hell the preferences menu was :-)
ABF++ original paper
A. Sheffer and E. de Sturler, Parameterization of Faceted Surfaces for
Meshing Using Angle Based Flattening, Engineering with Computers, 17 (3),
326-337, 2001.
A. Sheffer, B. Lévy, M. Mogilnitsky, A, Bogomyakov, ABF++: Fast and Robust
Angle Based Flattening, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 24(2), 311-330 2005.
Who to ask for help
Artist help
Technical help
This tool is provided under the GPL license. Please respect it.